C# Multiple Return Values
A tuple is a data structure that provides an easy way to represent a single set of data. The System.Tuple class provides static methods to create tuple objects.

Many times we wanted to return multiple values, one solution is to create a model class and returning an instance of it.
Starting with C# 7, we can easily return multiple values using Tuples.
Tuples allow us to,
- Create, access, and manipulate a data set
- Return a data set from a method without using out parameter
- Pass multiple values to a method through a single parameter
If applications target .NET Framework is 4.6.2 or lower then install NuGet package System.ValueTuple.
Use below command to install via Package Manager CLI.
PM> Install-Package System.ValueTuple
Below is a simple example using Tuples:
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Tuple<int, string, bool> tuple=new Tuple<int, string, bool>(2610, "Microsoft", true);
// Using tuple properties.
if (tuple.Item1 == 1)
if (tuple.Item2 == "dog")
if (tuple.Item3)
There are various ways of declaring Tuples as below:
// using keyword
Tuple<int, string, bool> t1=new Tuple<int, string, bool>(2610, "Microsoft", true);
// without Tuple keyword
(int, string, bool) t1=(2610, "Microsoft", true);
// using named variables
(int uniqueId, string fromName, bool isValid) t1=(2610, "Microsoft", true);